Education and Four-Way Test of Rotary Koichi Hatada(Toyonaka RC)

Education and The Four-Way Test of Rotary
Koichi Hatada Professor Emeritus, Osaka University

When I was teaching at Osaka university in 1975, I began, prompted by chance, to extend my lecturing service to senior high schools to teach high polymer chemistry, and as time went on, those schools came to cover elementary schools and junior high schools. Since I became a member of the Rotary Club in 1996, I also found it part of my social service as a Rotarian to offer my lecture to various schools. Since 2007, when I ceased to engage in teaching and research by profession, I have devoted myself to offer my lecturing service as part of social service as a Rotarian. These days, I have extended the topic of my lecture beyond my specialized field of polymer science to include such subjects as “My thoughts during and after the World War Ⅱ”, “Ingenious ideas in ancient Japanese wooden houses,” “Thoughts about moral,” and “How to make the aging society thrive with fewer children.” On such occasions, I have come to realize that the Rotary’s Four-Way Test in a question-and-answer form serves as a good teaching material and offer various hints from educational and learning standpoints when I tell children about science and moral. So I would like to discuss several related subjects here.

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